Articles | Volume 17, issue 7
Research article
04 Jul 2023
Research article |  | 04 Jul 2023

Seasonal variability in Antarctic ice shelf velocities forced by sea surface height variations

Cyrille Mosbeux, Laurie Padman, Emilie Klein, Peter D. Bromirski, and Helen A. Fricker

Data sets

Antarctica PI Continuous - GZ19-WIS_GroundingZone_19 P.S. M. R. Siegfried, H. A. Fricker, and S. Tulaczyk

Model code and software

ElmerCSC/elmerfem: Elmer 9.0 (release-9.0) Juha Ruokolainen, Mika Malinen, Peter Råback, Thomas Zwinger, Eelis Takala, Juhani Kataja, Fabien Gillet-Chaulet, Sami Ilvonen, Rupert Gladstone, Mikko Byckling, Mondher Chekki, Cheng Gong, Pavel Ponomarev, Eef van Dongen, Fredrik Robertsen, Iain Wheel, Samuel Cook, t7saeki, luzpaz, and Rich_B.

Short summary
Antarctica's ice shelves (the floating extension of the ice sheet) help regulate ice flow. As ice shelves thin or lose contact with the bedrock, the upstream ice tends to accelerate, resulting in increased mass loss. Here, we use an ice sheet model to simulate the effect of seasonal sea surface height variations and see if we can reproduce observed seasonal variability of ice velocity on the ice shelf. When correctly parameterised, the model fits the observations well.