Articles | Volume 17, issue 5
Research article
08 May 2023
Research article |  | 08 May 2023

Modelling the evolution of Arctic multiyear sea ice over 2000–2018

Heather Regan, Pierre Rampal, Einar Ólason, Guillaume Boutin, and Anton Korosov


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Short summary
Multiyear ice (MYI), sea ice that survives the summer, is more resistant to changes than younger ice in the Arctic, so it is a good indicator of sea ice resilience. We use a model with a new way of tracking MYI to assess the contribution of different processes affecting MYI. We find two important years for MYI decline: 2007, when dynamics are important, and 2012, when melt is important. These affect MYI volume and area in different ways, which is important for the interpretation of observations.