Articles | Volume 16, issue 10
Research article
26 Oct 2022
Research article |  | 26 Oct 2022

Thermal regime of the Grigoriev ice cap and the Sary-Tor glacier in the inner Tien Shan, Kyrgyzstan

Lander Van Tricht and Philippe Huybrechts

Data sets

Datasets of the boundary conditions Lander Van Tricht

Short summary
We examine the thermal regime of the Grigoriev ice cap and the Sary-Tor glacier, both located in the inner Tien Shan in Kyrgyzstan. Our findings are important as the ice dynamics can only be understood and modelled precisely if ice temperature is considered correctly in ice flow models. The calibrated parameters of this study can be used in applications with ice flow models for individual ice masses as well as to optimise more general models for large-scale regional simulations.