Articles | Volume 16, issue 2
The Cryosphere, 16, 451–469, 2022
The Cryosphere, 16, 451–469, 2022

Research article 08 Feb 2022

Research article | 08 Feb 2022

Layered seawater intrusion and melt under grounded ice

Alexander A. Robel et al.

Model code and software

aarobel/IntrusionUnderIceSheets: Release of IntrusionUnderIceSheets for final publication Alexander A. Robel

Short summary
Warm seawater may intrude as a thin layer below glaciers in contact with the ocean. Mathematical theory predicts that this intrusion may extend over distances of kilometers under realistic conditions. Computer models demonstrate that if this warm seawater causes melting of a glacier bottom, it can cause rates of glacier ice loss and sea level rise to be up to 2 times faster in response to potential future ocean warming.