Articles | Volume 16, issue 9
Research article
09 Sep 2022
Research article |  | 09 Sep 2022

Mechanisms and effects of under-ice warming water in Ngoring Lake of Qinghai–Tibet Plateau

Mengxiao Wang, Lijuan Wen, Zhaoguo Li, Matti Leppäranta, Victor Stepanenko, Yixin Zhao, Ruijia Niu, Liuyiyi Yang, and Georgiy Kirillin

Data sets

Data on under-ice temperatures and solar radiation in Lake Ngoring (Qinghai-Tibet) Georgiy Kirillin, Tom Shatwell, and Lijuan Wen

LAKE (2.0) Victor Stepanenko

TC-data-Mechanisms and effects of under-ice warming water in Ngoring Lake of Qinghai-Tibet Plateau M. X. Wang

Short summary
The under-ice water temperature of Ngoring Lake has been rising based on in situ observations. We obtained results showing that strong downward shortwave radiation is the main meteorological factor, and precipitation, wind speed, downward longwave radiation, air temperature, ice albedo, and ice extinction coefficient have an impact on the range and rate of lake temperature rise. Once the ice breaks, the lake body releases more energy than other lakes, whose water temperature remains horizontal.