Research article
23 Jun 2022
Research article |

23 Jun 2022
Unravelling the long-term, locally heterogenous response of Greenland glaciers observed in archival photography
Michael A. Cooper, Paulina Lewińska, William A. P. Smith, Edwin R. Hancock, Julian A. Dowdeswell, and David M. Rippin
Data sets
East Greenland (66.3 and 68.4°N) glacier front position shape files
David M. Rippin, William A. P. Smith, Michael A. Cooper, Edwin Hancock, and Paulina Lewińska
Orthophotomaps of East Greenland, in particular of the 260 km-long section of coastline between 66.3 and 68.4°N
Paulina Lewińska, David M. Rippin, William A. P. Smith, Edwin Hancock, and Michael A. Cooper
USGS EROS Archive - Declassified Data - Declassified Satellite Imagery - 1
Earth Resources Observation and Science Center
Claire Porter, Paul Morin, Ian Howat, Myoung-Jon Noh, Brian Bates, Kenneth Peterman, Scott Keesey, Matthew Schlenk, Judith Gardiner, Karen Tomko, Michael Willis, Cole Kelleher, Michael Cloutier, Eric Husby, Steven Foga, Hitomi Nakamura, Melisa Platson, Michael, Jr. Wethington, Cathleen Williamson, Gregory Bauer, Jeremy Enos, Galen Arnold, William Kramer, Peter Becker, Abhijit Doshi, Cristelle D'Souza, Pat Cummens, Fabien Laurier, and Mikkel Bojesen