Articles | Volume 16, issue 6
Research article
10 Jun 2022
Research article |  | 10 Jun 2022

GABLS4 intercomparison of snow models at Dome C in Antarctica

Patrick Le Moigne, Eric Bazile, Anning Cheng, Emanuel Dutra, John M. Edwards, William Maurel, Irina Sandu, Olivier Traullé, Etienne Vignon, Ayrton Zadra, and Weizhong Zheng

Data sets

GABLS4, snow model intercomparison Patrick Le Moigne

Short summary
This paper describes an intercomparison of snow models, of varying complexity, used for numerical weather prediction or academic research. The results show that the simplest models are, under certain conditions, able to reproduce the surface temperature just as well as the most complex models. Moreover, the diversity of surface parameters of the models has a strong impact on the temporal variability of the components of the simulated surface energy balance.