Articles | Volume 15, issue 12
Research article
20 Dec 2021
Research article |  | 20 Dec 2021

Evidence of elevation-dependent warming from the Chinese Tian Shan

Lu Gao, Haijun Deng, Xiangyong Lei, Jianhui Wei, Yaning Chen, Zhongqin Li, Miaomiao Ma, Xingwei Chen, Ying Chen, Meibing Liu, and Jianyun Gao


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Short summary
There is a widespread controversy on the existence of the elevation-dependent warming (EDW) phenomenon due to the limited observations in high mountains. This study provides new evidence of EDW from the Chinese Tian Shan based on a high-resolution (1 km, 6-hourly) air temperature dataset. The result reveals the significant EDW on a monthly scale. The warming rate of the minimum temperature in winter showed a significant elevation dependence (p < 0.01), especially above 3000 m.