Articles | Volume 14, issue 2
Research article
02 Mar 2020
Research article |  | 02 Mar 2020

On the relation between avalanche occurrence and avalanche danger level

Jürg Schweizer, Christoph Mitterer, Frank Techel, Andreas Stoffel, and Benjamin Reuter

Data sets

Snow avalanche data Davos, Switzerland J. Schweizer, C. Mitterer, F. Techel, A. Stoffel, and B. Reuter

Short summary
Snow avalanches represent a major natural hazard in seasonally snow-covered mountain regions around the world. To avoid periods and locations of high hazard, avalanche warnings are issued by public authorities. In these bulletins, the hazard is characterized by a danger level. Since the danger levels are not well defined, we analyzed a large data set of avalanches to improve the description. Our findings show discrepancies in present usage of the danger scale and show ways to improve the scale.