Articles | Volume 14, issue 6
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Satellite-retrieved sea ice concentration uncertainty and its effect on modelling wave evolution in marginal ice zones
Takehiko Nose
Graduate School of Frontier Sciences, The University of Tokyo, Kashiwa, Chiba, Japan
Takuji Waseda
Graduate School of Frontier Sciences, The University of Tokyo, Kashiwa, Chiba, Japan
Tsubasa Kodaira
Graduate School of Frontier Sciences, The University of Tokyo, Kashiwa, Chiba, Japan
Jun Inoue
National Institute of Polar Research, Tachikawa, Tokyo, Japan
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Naoya Kanna, Kazutaka Tateyama, Takuji Waseda, Anna Timofeeva, Maria Papadimitraki, Laura Whitmore, Hajime Obata, Daiki Nomura, Hiroshi Ogawa, Youhei Yamashita, and Igor Polyakov
Biogeosciences, 22, 1057–1076,,, 2025
Short summary
Short summary
This article presents data on iron and manganese, essential micronutrients for primary producers in the Arctic Laptev and East Siberian seas (LESS). There, observations were made through international cooperation with the Nansen and Amundsen Basin Observational System expedition during the late summer of 2021. The results from this study indicate that the major sources controlling the iron and manganese distributions on the LESS continental margins are river discharge and shelf sediment input.
Joey J. Voermans, Qingxiang Liu, Aleksey Marchenko, Jean Rabault, Kirill Filchuk, Ivan Ryzhov, Petra Heil, Takuji Waseda, Takehiko Nose, Tsubasa Kodaira, Jingkai Li, and Alexander V. Babanin
The Cryosphere, 15, 5557–5575,,, 2021
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Short summary
We have shown through field experiments that the amount of wave energy dissipated in landfast ice, sea ice attached to land, is much larger than in broken ice. By comparing our measurements against predictions of contemporary wave–ice interaction models, we determined which models can explain our observations and which cannot. Our results will improve our understanding of how waves and ice interact and how we can model such interactions to better forecast waves and ice in the polar regions.
Amy Solomon, Céline Heuzé, Benjamin Rabe, Sheldon Bacon, Laurent Bertino, Patrick Heimbach, Jun Inoue, Doroteaciro Iovino, Ruth Mottram, Xiangdong Zhang, Yevgeny Aksenov, Ronan McAdam, An Nguyen, Roshin P. Raj, and Han Tang
Ocean Sci., 17, 1081–1102,,, 2021
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Freshwater in the Arctic Ocean plays a critical role in the global climate system by impacting ocean circulations, stratification, mixing, and emergent regimes. In this review paper we assess how Arctic Ocean freshwater changed in the 2010s relative to the 2000s. Estimates from observations and reanalyses show a qualitative stabilization in the 2010s due to a compensation between a freshening of the Beaufort Gyre and a reduction in freshwater in the Amerasian and Eurasian basins.
Jun Inoue, Yutaka Tobo, Kazutoshi Sato, Fumikazu Taketani, and Marion Maturilli
Atmos. Meas. Tech., 14, 4971–4987,,, 2021
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Short summary
A cloud particle sensor (CPS) sonde is an observing system to obtain the signals of the phase, size, and the number of cloud particles. Based on the field experiments in the Arctic regions and numerical experiments, we proposed a method to correct the CPS sonde data and found that the CPS sonde system can appropriately observe the liquid cloud if our correction method is applied.
Yugo Kanaya, Kazuyuki Miyazaki, Fumikazu Taketani, Takuma Miyakawa, Hisahiro Takashima, Yuichi Komazaki, Xiaole Pan, Saki Kato, Kengo Sudo, Takashi Sekiya, Jun Inoue, Kazutoshi Sato, and Kazuhiro Oshima
Atmos. Chem. Phys., 19, 7233–7254,,, 2019
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Short summary
Ozone and carbon monoxide levels were uniquely observed (for > 10 000 h) over oceans from 67° S to 75° N. Tropospheric chemistry reanalysis v2 reproduced the observed evolution of pollution plumes from continents but underpredicted and overpredicted ozone levels in the Arctic and in the western Pacific equatorial region, respectively. Processes to explain the gaps are proposed, including halogen-mediated destruction in the low latitudes. Our open data set will complement the TOAR data collection.
Takuya Nakanowatari, Jun Inoue, Kazutoshi Sato, Laurent Bertino, Jiping Xie, Mio Matsueda, Akio Yamagami, Takeshi Sugimura, Hironori Yabuki, and Natsuhiko Otsuka
The Cryosphere, 12, 2005–2020,,, 2018
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Medium-range predictability of early summer sea ice thickness in the East Siberian Sea was examined, based on TOPAZ4 forecast data. Statistical examination indicates that the estimate drops abruptly at 4 days, which is related to dynamical process controlled by synoptic-scale atmospheric fluctuations such as an Arctic cyclone. For longer lead times (> 4 days), the thermodynamic melting process takes over, which represents most of the remaining prediction.
Yoshimi Kawai, Masaki Katsumata, Kazuhiro Oshima, Masatake E. Hori, and Jun Inoue
Atmos. Meas. Tech., 10, 2485–2498,,, 2017
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The model RS92 radiosonde manufactured by Vaisala Ltd. is now being replaced with a successor model, the RS41, and we need to clarify accuracy differences between them for a variety of research. For this purpose, 36 twin-radiosonde flights were performed over the oceans from the Arctic to the tropics. Basically the differences between the RS41 and RS92 were smaller than the nominal combined uncertainties of the RS41; however, we found non-negligible biases in relative humidity and pressure.
Naoya Yokoi, Kohei Matsuno, Mutsuo Ichinomiya, Atsushi Yamaguchi, Shigeto Nishino, Jonaotaro Onodera, Jun Inoue, and Takashi Kikuchi
Biogeosciences, 13, 913–923,,, 2016
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Short summary
We studied short-term changes in the microplankton community in the Chukchi Sea with regards to responses to the strong wind event (SWE) during autumn (September 2013). It is assumed that atmospheric turbulences, such as SWE, may supply sufficient nutrients to the surface layer that subsequently enhance the small bloom under the weak stratification. After the bloom, the dominant diatom community then shifts from centric-dominated to one where centric/pennate are more equal in abundance.
K. Matsuno, A. Yamaguchi, S. Nishino, J. Inoue, and T. Kikuchi
Biogeosciences, 12, 4005–4015,,, 2015
Short summary
Short summary
We performed high-frequency samplings of zooplankton community and gut pigment of copepods in the Chukchi Sea. Zooplankton showed no changes with a strong wind event and dominant copepods prepared for diapause. Yet, feeding activity of the copepods increased as a result of temporal phytoplankton bloom, enhanced by the wind event. Because of the long generation length of copepods, a smaller effect was detected for their abundance, population, lipid accumulation and gonad maturation.
Related subject area
Discipline: Other | Subject: Numerical Modelling
Brief communication: Stalagmite damage by cave ice flow quantitatively assessed by fluid–structure interaction simulations
Simulating lake ice phenology using a coupled atmosphere–lake model at Nam Co, a typical deep alpine lake on the Tibetan Plateau
Alexander H. Jarosch, Paul Hofer, and Christoph Spötl
The Cryosphere, 18, 4811–4816,,, 2024
Short summary
Short summary
Mechanical damage to stalagmites is commonly observed in mid-latitude caves. In this study we investigate ice flow along the cave bed as a possible mechanism for stalagmite damage. Utilizing models which simulate forces created by ice flow, we study the structural integrity of different stalagmite geometries. Our results suggest that structural failure of stalagmites caused by ice flow is possible, albeit unlikely.
Xu Zhou, Binbin Wang, Xiaogang Ma, Zhu La, and Kun Yang
The Cryosphere, 18, 4589–4605,,, 2024
Short summary
Short summary
The simulation of the ice phenology of Nam Co by WRF is investigated. Compared with the default model, improving the key lake schemes, such as water surface roughness length for heat fluxes and the shortwave radiation transfer for lake ice, can better simulate the lake ice phenology. The still existing errors in the spatial patterns of lake ice phenology imply that challenges still exist in modelling key lake and non-lake physics such as grid-scale water circulation and snow-related processes.
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Short summary
Accurate wave modelling in and near ice-covered ocean requires true sea ice concentration mapping of the model region. The information derived from satellite instruments has considerable uncertainty depending on retrieval algorithms and sensors. This study shows that the accuracy of satellite-retrieved sea ice concentration estimates is a major error source in wave–ice models. A similar feedback effect of sea ice concentration uncertainty may also apply to modelling lower atmospheric conditions.
Accurate wave modelling in and near ice-covered ocean requires true sea ice concentration...