Articles | Volume 14, issue 6
Research article
09 Jun 2020
Research article |  | 09 Jun 2020

The added value of high resolution in estimating the surface mass balance in southern Greenland

Willem Jan van de Berg, Erik van Meijgaard, and Lambertus H. van Ulft

Data sets

The added value of high resolution in estimating the surface mass balance in southern Greenland W. J. van de Berg, E. van Meijgaard and L. van Ulft

Short summary
In times of increasing computer power, atmospheric models that estimate the surface mass balance of the Greenland can be run with increasing resolution. However, at which resolution is the error no longer determined by the lacking resolution but by model shortcomings? In this manuscript we show that for the majority of the southern part of the Greenland Ice Sheet, our study area, a model resolution of 20 km is sufficient although finer model resolutions are still beneficial.