Articles | Volume 13, issue 6
Research article
14 Jun 2019
Research article |  | 14 Jun 2019

Sensitivity of a calving glacier to ice–ocean interactions under climate change: new insights from a 3-D full-Stokes model

Joe Todd, Poul Christoffersen, Thomas Zwinger, Peter Råback, and Douglas I. Benn


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Short summary
The Greenland Ice Sheet loses 30 %–60 % of its ice due to iceberg calving. Calving processes and their links to climate are not well understood or incorporated into numerical models of glaciers. Here we use a new 3-D calving model to investigate calving at Store Glacier, West Greenland, and test its sensitivity to increased submarine melting and reduced support from ice mélange (sea ice and icebergs). We find Store remains fairly stable despite these changes, but less so in the southern side.