Articles | Volume 13, issue 4
Research article
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09 Apr 2019
Research article | Highlight paper |  | 09 Apr 2019

Modelling the future evolution of glaciers in the European Alps under the EURO-CORDEX RCM ensemble

Harry Zekollari, Matthias Huss, and Daniel Farinotti


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Short summary
Glaciers in the European Alps play an important role in the hydrological cycle, act as a source for hydroelectricity and have a large touristic importance. We model the future evolution of all glaciers in the Alps with a novel model that combines both ice flow and melt processes. We find that under a limited warming scenario about one-third of the present-day ice volume will still be present by the end of the century, while under strong warming more than 90 % of the volume will be lost by 2100.