Articles | Volume 11, issue 5
Research article
22 Sep 2017
Research article |  | 22 Sep 2017

Structure and evolution of the drainage system of a Himalayan debris-covered glacier, and its relationship with patterns of mass loss

Douglas I. Benn, Sarah Thompson, Jason Gulley, Jordan Mertes, Adrian Luckman, and Lindsey Nicholson

Data sets

Surface topography and velocities of Ngozumpa Glacier, Nepal, with links to GeoTIFFs D. I. Benn, S. Thompson, and A. Luckman

Short summary
This paper provides the first complete view of the drainage system of a large Himalayan glacier, based on ice-cave exploration and satellite image analysis. Drainage tunnels inside glaciers have a major impact on melting rates, by providing lines of weakness inside the ice and potential pathways for melt-water, and play a key role in the response of debris-covered glaciers to sustained periods of negative mass balance.