Articles | Volume 10, issue 6
Research article
21 Nov 2016
Research article |  | 21 Nov 2016

Relationships between snowfall density and solid hydrometeors, based on measured size and fall speed, for snowpack modeling applications

Masaaki Ishizaka, Hiroki Motoyoshi, Satoru Yamaguchi, Sento Nakai, Toru Shiina, and Ken-ichiro Muramoto


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Short summary
We measured the snowfall densities with a CCD camera, simultaneously observing the predominant snowfall types determined by the measured size and the fall speed. With a CCD camera, we obtain the quantitative relationships between snowfall densities and presumed density derived from the size and mass components. This suggests the possibility of estimating snowfall densities from the measured size and the fall speed data, and using them as the initial densities for a snowpack in a numerical model.