05 Oct 2016
 | 05 Oct 2016
Status: this preprint was under review for the journal TC but the revision was not accepted.

Brief Communication: Capturing scales of spatial heterogeneity of Antarctic sea ice algae communities

Alexander L. Forrest, Lars C. Lund-Hansen, Brian K. Sorrell, Isak Bowden-Floyd, Vanessa Lucieer, Remo Cossu, and Ian Hawes

Abstract. Identifying spatial heterogeneity of sea ice algae communities is critical to predicting ecosystem response under future climate scenarios. Using an autonomous robotic sampling platform beneath sea ice in McMurdo Sound, Antarctica, we measured irradiance in spectral bands expected to describe the spatial heterogeneity. Derived estimates of ice algae biomass identified patchiness at length scales varying from 50–70 m under first-year sea ice. These results demonstrate that a step-change in how these communities can be assessed and monitored. The developed methodologies could be subsequently refined to further categorize different ice algae communities and their associated productivity in both Arctic and Antarctic waters.

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Alexander L. Forrest, Lars C. Lund-Hansen, Brian K. Sorrell, Isak Bowden-Floyd, Vanessa Lucieer, Remo Cossu, and Ian Hawes
Status: closed
Status: closed
AC: Author comment | RC: Referee comment | SC: Short comment | EC: Editor comment
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Status: closed
Status: closed
AC: Author comment | RC: Referee comment | SC: Short comment | EC: Editor comment
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Alexander L. Forrest, Lars C. Lund-Hansen, Brian K. Sorrell, Isak Bowden-Floyd, Vanessa Lucieer, Remo Cossu, and Ian Hawes
Alexander L. Forrest, Lars C. Lund-Hansen, Brian K. Sorrell, Isak Bowden-Floyd, Vanessa Lucieer, Remo Cossu, and Ian Hawes


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Short summary
Measuring light conditions across sub-kilometer underwater transects of sea-ice in McMurdo Sound, Antarctica with an Autonomous Underwater Vehicle (AUV), we were able to derive estimates of ice algae biomass living at the ice/ocean interface at an unprecedented resolution. Characterizing ice algae communities at the appropriate scales of ecosystem variability is critical to understanding present day conditions and to predict how ecosystem response under future climate change scenarios.