Articles | Volume 9, issue 1
Research article
06 Jan 2015
Research article |  | 06 Jan 2015

The impact of snow depth, snow density and ice density on sea ice thickness retrieval from satellite radar altimetry: results from the ESA-CCI Sea Ice ECV Project Round Robin Exercise

S. Kern, K. Khvorostovsky, H. Skourup, E. Rinne, Z. S. Parsakhoo, V. Djepa, P. Wadhams, and S. Sandven


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Short summary
Snow depth and ice density are equally important parameters for sea ice thickness retrieval from radar altimetry of Arctic sea ice. Development of a new snow depth data set is mandatory as the Warren snow depth climatology does not represent the actual snow depth distribution. An optimal choice of ice density can be realized by including ice type and degree of deformation. Retrieval and validation enhancement requires more contemporary ice freeboard, thickness, and density and snow depth data.