Articles | Volume 9, issue 4
Research article
13 Jul 2015
Research article |  | 13 Jul 2015

Wintertime storage of water in buried supraglacial lakes across the Greenland Ice Sheet

L. S. Koenig, D. J. Lampkin, L. N. Montgomery, S. L. Hamilton, J. B. Turrin, C. A. Joseph, S. E. Moutsafa, B. Panzer, K. A. Casey, J. D. Paden, C. Leuschen, and P. Gogineni


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Short summary
The Greenland Ice Sheet is storing meltwater through the winter season just below its surface in buried supraglacial lakes. Airborne radar from Operation IceBridge between 2009 and 2012 was used to detect buried lakes, distributed extensively around the margin of the ice sheet. The volume of retained water in the buried lakes is likely insignificant compared to the total mass loss from the ice sheet but has important implications for ice temperatures.