Articles | Volume 18, issue 11
Research article
27 Nov 2024
Research article |  | 27 Nov 2024

Accumulation by avalanches as a significant contributor to the mass balance of a peripheral glacier of Greenland

Bernhard Hynek, Daniel Binder, Michele Citterio, Signe Hillerup Larsen, Jakob Abermann, Geert Verhoeven, Elke Ludewig, and Wolfgang Schöner

Data sets

Digital elevation model and orthofoto of Freya Glacier 2013 Bernhard Hynek et al.

Digital elevation model and orthophoto of Freya Glacier 2021 Bernhard Hynek et al.

Fluctuations of Glaciers Database World Glacier Monitoring Service

Mass balance of Freya Glacier Bernhard Hynek et al.

Short summary
An avalanche event in February 2018 caused thick snow deposits on Freya Glacier, a peripheral mountain glacier in northeastern Greenland. The avalanche deposits contributed significantly to the mass balance, leaving a strong imprint in the elevation changes in 2013–2021. The 8-year geodetic mass balance (2013–2021) of the glacier is positive, whereas previous estimates by direct measurements were negative and now turned out to have a negative bias.