Articles | Volume 17, issue 2
Brief communication
21 Feb 2023
Brief communication |  | 21 Feb 2023

Brief communication: Tritium concentration and age of firn accumulation in an ice cave of Mount Olympus (Greece)

Georgios Lazaridis, Konstantinos Stamoulis, Despoina Dora, Iraklis Kalogeropoulos, and Konstantinos P. Trimmis


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Short summary
Christaki Pothole is located at 2350 m in Mount Olympus, the highest mountain of Greece, over the permanent snow line for Greek latitude. The eruption of the tritium content in the water cycle resulting from the nuclear tests of the 1950s and 1960s allows the dating of firn samples from the ice cave. The nuclear era was not detected in ice from the Olympic cave and the basic reason is considered to be the ice-melting rate.