Articles | Volume 17, issue 11
Research article
22 Nov 2023
Research article |  | 22 Nov 2023

Combined GNSS reflectometry–refractometry for automated and continuous in situ surface mass balance estimation on an Antarctic ice shelf

Ladina Steiner, Holger Schmithüsen, Jens Wickert, and Olaf Eisen

Data sets

GNSS refractometry/reflectometry (GNSS-RR) raw data near Neumayer Station in 2021-2023 Ladina Steiner, OlafEisen, and Holger Schmithüsen

Model code and software

Continuous estimation of snow/firn accumulation, surface mass, and density on a moving surface using combined GNSS reflectometry/refractometry (GNSS-RR) Ladina Steiner

Short summary
The present study illustrates the potential of a combined Global Navigation Satellite System reflectometry and refractometry (GNSS-RR) method for accurate, simultaneous, and continuous estimation of in situ snow accumulation, snow water equivalent, and snow density time series. The combined GNSS-RR method was successfully applied on a fast-moving, polar ice shelf. The combined GNSS-RR approach could be highly advantageous for a continuous quantification of ice sheet surface mass balances.