Articles | Volume 17, issue 11
Research article
20 Nov 2023
Research article |  | 20 Nov 2023

Englacial architecture of Lambert Glacier, East Antarctica

Rebecca J. Sanderson, Kate Winter, S. Louise Callard, Felipe Napoleoni, Neil Ross, Tom A. Jordan, and Robert G. Bingham

Data sets

Internal Layer Continuity Index returns and englacial reflectors from Lambert Glacier, East Antarctica Rebecca Sanderson, Kate Winter, Louise Callard, Felipe Napoleoni, Neil Ross, Tom A. Jordan, and Robert G. Bingham

Quantarctica K. Matsuoka, A. Skoglund, and G. Roth

Short summary
Ice-penetrating radar allows us to explore the internal structure of glaciers and ice sheets to constrain past and present ice-flow conditions. In this paper, we examine englacial layers within the Lambert Glacier in East Antarctica using a quantitative layer tracing tool. Analysis reveals that the ice flow here has been relatively stable, but evidence for former fast flow along a tributary suggests that changes have occurred in the past and could change again in the future.