Articles | Volume 17, issue 11
Research article
30 Oct 2023
Research article |  | 30 Oct 2023

Allometric scaling of retrogressive thaw slumps

Jurjen van der Sluijs, Steven V. Kokelj, and Jon F. Tunnicliffe

Data sets

Multisource Slump Inventory Jurjen van der Sluijs, Steven V. Kokelj

Supplementary code and data to Allometric scaling of retrogressive thaw slump J. Van der Sluijs

Model code and software

Supplementary code and data to Allometric scaling of retrogressive thaw slump J. Van der Sluijs

Short summary
There is an urgent need to obtain size and erosion estimates of climate-driven landslides, such as retrogressive thaw slumps. We evaluated surface interpolation techniques to estimate slump erosional volumes and developed a new inventory method by which the size and activity of these landslides are tracked through time. Models between slump area and volume reveal non-linear intensification, whereby model coefficients improve our understanding of how permafrost landscapes may evolve over time.