Articles | Volume 17, issue 8
Research article
17 Aug 2023
Research article |  | 17 Aug 2023

Exploring the potential of thermal infrared remote sensing to improve a snowpack model through an observing system simulation experiment

Esteban Alonso-González, Simon Gascoin, Sara Arioli, and Ghislain Picard

Data sets

A factorial snowpack model (FSM 1.0) ( R. Essery

Model code and software

ealonsogzl/MuSA: v1.0 GMD submission (v1.0) Esteban Alonso González

Short summary
Data assimilation techniques are a promising approach to improve snowpack simulations in remote areas that are difficult to monitor. This paper studies the ability of satellite-observed land surface temperature to improve snowpack simulations through data assimilation. We show that it is possible to improve snowpack simulations, but the temporal resolution of the observations and the algorithm used are critical to obtain satisfactory results.