Articles | Volume 17, issue 8
Research article
17 Aug 2023
Research article |  | 17 Aug 2023

Modelling the development and decay of cryoconite holes in northwestern Greenland

Yukihiko Onuma, Koji Fujita, Nozomu Takeuchi, Masashi Niwano, and Teruo Aoki

Data sets

Codes and data set for Cryoconite hole model (CryHo, Version 1) Yukihiko Onuma, Koji Fujita, Nozomu Takeuchi, Masashi Niwano, and Teruo Aoki

Quality-controlled datasets of automatic weather station (AWS) at sigma-B site from 2012 to 2020: Level~1.3 M. Nishimura, T. Aoki, M. Niwano, S. Matoba, T. Tanikawa, S. Yamaguchi, T. Yamasaki, and K. Fujita

Model code and software

Codes and data set for Cryoconite hole model (CryHo, Version 1) Yukihiko Onuma, Koji Fujita, Nozomu Takeuchi, Masashi Niwano, and Teruo Aoki

Short summary
We established a novel model that simulates the temporal changes in cryoconite hole (CH) depth using heat budgets calculated independently at the ice surface and CH bottom based on hole shape geometry. The simulations suggest that CH depth is governed by the balance between the intensity of the diffuse component of downward shortwave radiation and the wind speed. The meteorological conditions may be important factors contributing to the recent ice surface darkening via the redistribution of CHs.