Articles | Volume 17, issue 7
Research article
13 Jul 2023
Research article |  | 13 Jul 2023

Basal melt rates and ocean circulation under the Ryder Glacier ice tongue and their response to climate warming: a high-resolution modelling study

Jonathan Wiskandt, Inga Monika Koszalka, and Johan Nilsson

Model code and software

Setup files for a high resolution modelling study of basal melt rates and ocean circulation under the Ryder Glacier ice tongue and their response to climate warming Jonathan Wiskandt

Short summary
Understanding ice–ocean interactions under floating ice tongues in Greenland and Antarctica is a major challenge in climate modelling and a source of uncertainty in future sea level projections. We use a high-resolution ocean model to investigate basal melting and melt-driven circulation under the floating tongue of Ryder Glacier, northwestern Greenland. We study the response to oceanic and atmospheric warming. Our results are universal and relevant for the development of climate models.