Articles | Volume 17, issue 7
Research article
04 Jul 2023
Research article |  | 04 Jul 2023

The impact of surface melt rate and catchment characteristics on Greenland Ice Sheet moulin inputs

Tim Hill and Christine F. Dow

Data sets

ArcticDEM, Version 3 Claire Porter, Paul Morin, Ian Howat, Myoung-Jon Noh, Brian Bates, Kenneth Peterman, Scott Keesey, Matthew Schlenk, Judith Gardiner, Karen Tomko, Michael Willis, Cole Kelleher, Michael Cloutier, Eric Husby, Steven Foga, Hitomi Nakamura, Melisa Platson, Michael, Jr. Wethington, Cathleen Williamson, Gregory Bauer, Jeremy Enos, Galen Arnold, William Kramer, Peter Becker, Abhijit Doshi, Cristelle D'Souza, Pat Cummens, Fabien Laurier, and Mikkel Bojesen

Model code and software

The impact of surface melt rate and catchment characteristics on Greenland Ice Sheet moulin inputs Tim Hill and Christine F. Dow

Short summary
Water flow across the surface of the Greenland Ice Sheet controls the rate of water flow to the glacier bed. Here, we simulate surface water flow for a small catchment on the southwestern Greenland Ice Sheet. Our simulations predict significant differences in the form of surface water flow in high and low melt years depending on the rate and intensity of surface melt. These model outputs will be important in future work assessing the impact of surface water flow on subglacial water pressure.