Articles | Volume 17, issue 4
Research article
03 Apr 2023
Research article |  | 03 Apr 2023

Assessment of Arctic seasonal snow cover rates of change

Chris Derksen and Lawrence Mudryk

Data sets

MERRA-2 tavg1_2d_lnd_Nx: 2d, 1-Hourly, Time-Averaged, Single-Level, Assimilation, Land Surface Diagnostics V5.12.4 GMAO (Global Modeling and Assimilation Office)

tavg1_2d_lnd_Nx: MERRA 2D IAU Diagnostic, Land Only States and Diagnostics, Time Average 1-hourly V5.2.0 GMAO (Global Modeling and Assimilation Office)

ESA Snow Climate Change Initiative (Snow_cci): Snow Water Equivalent (SWE) level 3C daily global climate research data package (CRDP) (1979-2018), version 1.0 K. Luojus, M. Moisander, J. Pulliainen, M. Takala, J. Lemmetyinen, C. Derksen, C. Mortimer, G. Schwaizer, and T. Nagler

NOAA Climate Data Record (CDR) of Northern Hemisphere (NH) Snow Cover Extent (SCE), Version 1. [r01] D. A. Robinson, T. W. Estilow, and NOAA CDR Program

Rutgers Northern Hemisphere 24 km Weekly Snow Cover Extent, September 1980 Onward, Version 1 D. A. Robinson and T. W. Estilow

Short summary
We examine Arctic snow cover trends through the lens of climate assessments. We determine the sensitivity of change in snow cover extent to year-over-year increases in time series length, reference period, the use of a statistical methodology to improve inter-dataset agreement, version changes in snow products, and snow product ensemble size. By identifying the sensitivity to the range of choices available to investigators, we increase confidence in reported Arctic snow extent changes.