Articles | Volume 15, issue 9
Research article
03 Sep 2021
Research article |  | 03 Sep 2021

Impacts of the photo-driven post-depositional processing on snow nitrate and its isotopes at Summit, Greenland: a model-based study

Zhuang Jiang, Becky Alexander, Joel Savarino, Joseph Erbland, and Lei Geng

Data sets

TRANSITS simulation results on Summit snow Zhuang Jiang

Short summary
We used a snow photochemistry model (TRANSITS) to simulate the seasonal nitrate snow profile at Summit, Greenland. Comparisons between model outputs and observations suggest that at Summit post-depositional processing is active and probably dominates the snowpack δ15N seasonality. We also used the model to assess the degree of snow nitrate loss and the consequences in its isotopes at present and in the past, which helps for quantitative interpretations of ice-core nitrate records.