Articles | Volume 13, issue 1
Research article
09 Jan 2019
Research article |  | 09 Jan 2019

Version 2 of the EUMETSAT OSI SAF and ESA CCI sea-ice concentration climate data records

Thomas Lavergne, Atle Macdonald Sørensen, Stefan Kern, Rasmus Tonboe, Dirk Notz, Signe Aaboe, Louisa Bell, Gorm Dybkjær, Steinar Eastwood, Carolina Gabarro, Georg Heygster, Mari Anne Killie, Matilde Brandt Kreiner, John Lavelle, Roberto Saldo, Stein Sandven, and Leif Toudal Pedersen


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Short summary
The loss of polar sea ice is an iconic indicator of Earth’s climate change. Many satellite-based algorithms and resulting data exist but they differ widely in specific sea-ice conditions. This spread hinders a robust estimate of the future evolution of sea-ice cover. In this study, we document three new climate data records of sea-ice concentration generated using satellite data available over the last 40 years. We introduce the novel algorithms, the data records, and their uncertainties.