Articles | Volume 13, issue 12
Research article
17 Dec 2019
Research article |  | 17 Dec 2019

Optimization of over-summer snow storage at midlatitudes and low elevation

Hannah S. Weiss, Paul R. Bierman, Yves Dubief, and Scott D. Hamshaw

Data sets

Data submission, Hannah Weiss, University of Vermont H. Weiss and P. Bierman

Short summary
Climate change is devastating winter tourism. High-elevation, high-latitude ski centers have turned to saving snow over the summer. We present results of two field seasons to test and optimize over-summer snow storage at a midlatitude, low-elevation nordic ski center in the northeastern USA. In 2018, we tested coverings and found success overlaying 20 cm of wet woodchips with a reflective sheet. In 2019, we employed this strategy to a large pile and stored sufficient snow to open the ski season.