Articles | Volume 12, issue 9
Research article
14 Sep 2018
Research article |  | 14 Sep 2018

A scatterometer record of sea ice extents and backscatter: 1992–2016

Maria Belmonte Rivas, Ines Otosaka, Ad Stoffelen, and Anton Verhoef

Abstract. This paper presents the first long-term climate data record of sea ice extents and backscatter derived from intercalibrated satellite scatterometer missions (ERS, QuikSCAT and ASCAT) extending from 1992 to the present date (Verhoef et al., 2018). This record provides a valuable independent account of the evolution of Arctic and Antarctic sea ice extents, one that is in excellent agreement with the passive microwave records during the fall and winter months but shows higher sensitivity to lower concentration and melting sea ice during the spring and summer months. The scatterometer record also provides a depiction of sea ice backscatter at C- and Ku-bands, allowing the separation of seasonal and perennial sea ice in the Arctic and further differentiation between second-year (SY) and older multiyear (MY) ice classes, revealing the emergence of SY ice as the dominant perennial ice type after the historical sea ice loss in 2007 and bearing new evidence on the loss of multiyear ice in the Arctic over the last 25 years. The relative good agreement between the backscatter-based sea ice (FY, SY and older MY) classes and the ice thickness record from Cryosat suggests its applicability as a reliable proxy in the historical reconstruction of sea ice thickness in the Arctic.

Short summary
We provide a novel record of scatterometer sea ice extents and backscatter that complements the passive microwave products nicely, particularly for the correction of summer melt errors. The sea ice backscatter maps help differentiate between seasonal and perennial Arctic ice classes, and between second-year and older multiyear ice, revealing the emergence of SY ice as the dominant perennial ice type after the record loss in 2007 and attesting to its use as a proxy for ice thickness.