Articles | Volume 11, issue 2
Research article
17 Mar 2017
Research article |  | 17 Mar 2017

Impact of icebergs on net primary productivity in the Southern Ocean

Shuang-Ye Wu and Shugui Hou

Data sets

Iceberg Database of the Merged Altimeters Altiberg Project

Ocean Productivity Standard Product: Net Primary Production Ocean Productivity, Oregon State University Ocean Productivity

The Antarctic Iceberg Tracking Database The Brigham Young University (BYU) Center for Remote Sensing

Short summary
The primary productivity in the Southern Ocean (SO) is limited by the amount of iron available for biological activities. Recent studies show that icebergs could be a main source of iron to the SO. Based on remote sensing data, our study shows that iceberg presence is associated with elevated levels of ocean productivity, particularly in iron-deficient regions. This impact could serve as a negative feedback to the climate system.