26 Sep 2023
 | 26 Sep 2023
Status: this preprint is currently under review for the journal TC.

Characterization of in situ cosmogenic 14CO production, retention and loss in firn and shallow ice at Summit, Greenland

Benjamin Hmiel, Vasilii V. Petrenko, Christo Buizert, Andrew M. Smith, Michael N. Dyonisius, Philip Place, Bin Yang, Quan Hua, Ross Beaudette, Jeffrey P. Severinghaus, Christina Harth, Ray F. Weiss, Lindsey Davidge, Melisa Diaz, Matthew Pacicco, James A. Menking, Michael Kalk, Xavier Faïn, Alden Adolph, Isaac Vimont, and Lee T. Murray

Abstract. Measurements of carbon-14-containing carbon monoxide (14CO) in glacial ice are useful for studies of the past oxidative capacity of the atmosphere as well as for reconstructing the past cosmic ray flux. 14CO abundance in glacial ice represents the combination of trapped atmospheric 14CO and in situ cosmogenic 14CO. The systematics of in situ cosmogenic 14CO production and retention in ice are not fully quantified, posing an obstacle to interpretation of ice core 14CO measurements. Here we provide the first comprehensive characterization of 14CO at an ice accumulation site (Summit, Greenland), including measurements in the ice grains of the firn matrix, firn air and bubbly ice below the firn zone. The results are interpreted with the aid of a firn gas transport model into which we implemented in situ cosmogenic 14C. We find that almost all (≈ 99.5 %) of in situ 14CO that is produced in the ice grains in firn is very rapidly (in < 1 year) lost to the open porosity and from there mostly vented to the atmosphere. The time scale of this rapid loss is consistent with what is expected from gas diffusion through ice. The small fraction of in situ 14CO that initially stays in the ice grains continues to slowly leak out to the open porosity at a rate of ≈ 0.6 % per year. Below the firn zone we observe an increase in 14CO content with depth that is due to in situ 14CO production by deep-penetrating muons, confirming recent estimates of production rates in ice via the muon mechanisms and allowing for narrowing constraints on these production rates.

Benjamin Hmiel, Vasilii V. Petrenko, Christo Buizert, Andrew M. Smith, Michael N. Dyonisius, Philip Place, Bin Yang, Quan Hua, Ross Beaudette, Jeffrey P. Severinghaus, Christina Harth, Ray F. Weiss, Lindsey Davidge, Melisa Diaz, Matthew Pacicco, James A. Menking, Michael Kalk, Xavier Faïn, Alden Adolph, Isaac Vimont, and Lee T. Murray

Status: final response (author comments only)

Comment types: AC – author | RC – referee | CC – community | EC – editor | CEC – chief editor | : Report abuse
  • RC1: 'Comment on tc-2023-121', Anonymous Referee #1, 14 Dec 2023
  • RC2: 'Comment on tc-2023-121', Anonymous Referee #2, 04 Jan 2024
Benjamin Hmiel, Vasilii V. Petrenko, Christo Buizert, Andrew M. Smith, Michael N. Dyonisius, Philip Place, Bin Yang, Quan Hua, Ross Beaudette, Jeffrey P. Severinghaus, Christina Harth, Ray F. Weiss, Lindsey Davidge, Melisa Diaz, Matthew Pacicco, James A. Menking, Michael Kalk, Xavier Faïn, Alden Adolph, Isaac Vimont, and Lee T. Murray
Benjamin Hmiel, Vasilii V. Petrenko, Christo Buizert, Andrew M. Smith, Michael N. Dyonisius, Philip Place, Bin Yang, Quan Hua, Ross Beaudette, Jeffrey P. Severinghaus, Christina Harth, Ray F. Weiss, Lindsey Davidge, Melisa Diaz, Matthew Pacicco, James A. Menking, Michael Kalk, Xavier Faïn, Alden Adolph, Isaac Vimont, and Lee T. Murray


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Short summary
The main aim of this research is to improve understanding of carbon-14 that is produced by cosmic rays in ice sheets. Measurements of carbon-14 in ice cores can provide a range of useful information (age of ice, past atmospheric chemistry, past cosmic ray intensity). Our results show that almost all (approx. 95 %) of carbon-14 that is produced in the upper layer of ice sheets is rapidly lost to the atmosphere. Our results also provide better estimates of carbon-14 production rates in deeper ice.